About Us
International Journal of Sport, Exercise and Health Research is a peer reviewed International Open Access Journal which dealing with basic and applied information that advance the field of sports medicine, exercise science and health research, and offer a better understanding of biomedicine.
International Journal of Sport, Exercise and Health Research publishes original articles, case reports, review articles, editorials, short communications, contemporary issues, letters to editor, book reviews and other scientific information in the field of sports medicine, exercise science and health research. All submissions are subject to peer review by the Editorial Board and by referees in appropriate specialties. We will consider for publication manuscripts from any part of the world.
The journal will welcome articles from the field of sports medicine, sports injury (including injury epidemiology and injury prevention), Physical Education, physiotherapy, podiatry, physical activity and health, sports science, biomechanics, exercise physiology, sport and exercise psychology, sports nutrition, public health (as relevant to sport and exercise), and rehabilitation and injury management. Manuscripts with an interdisciplinary perspective with specific applications to sport, exercise and health research will also be considered. Articles must be of high academic/clinical riguor and may be in the form of original article, review, perspectives, case reports, and letter to the editor or essays.
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International Journal of Sport, Exercise and Health Research (IJSEHR) is a member of CrossRef operated by Publishers International Linking Association Inc. (PILA) and has been issued with Digital Object Identifier (DOI) prefix (10.31254) for assigning DOIs to the published articles/papers and other documents as published or to be published by BioMed Research Publishers. The membership of PILA (CrossRef) has been considered vital for ensuring and establishing credibility in the research publishing. All articles published in any of the International Journal of Sport, Exercise and Health Research will be assigned a DOI for unique and persistent identity and source for scholarly references. This will also do away with the broken citations, which will ensure that whenever a published paper/article is cited, it is properly counted in the citeability of the referred paper/article and brings more scholarly credibility and reputation to the published authors.

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Open Access Policy
International Journal of Sport, Exercise and Health Research is indexed with most international A&I databases. The journal provides immediate free access to the full text of articles in PDF format. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).

PORTICO- Digital Archiving
International Journal of Sport, Exercise and Health Research is committed to the long-term preservation of its content. All articles published by the journal are preserved by Portico.

The journal is owned and published by BioMed Research Publishers.
Revenue Sources
To attract high quality submissions and relieve the financial burden for researchers, there is no article processing charge (APC), since the APC for the journal is wholly financed by BioMed Research Publishers.
Publication Frequency
International Journal of Sport, Exercise and Health Research is a biannual journal and published in Jun and December. All accepted articles will be published immediately after production. Readers can access the content as quickly as possible, and the paper can be cited immediately. |